Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel Correspond, September 1939

With You There Is Light

Calw, Black Forest

Fritz Hartnagel was a part of Hitler’s Army. He was going to have to fight in this so-called Blitzkrieg. What could she do? Sophie Scholl took out her pen from her knapsack and began to write. She could always count on writing when the truth required clarification.

            Dear Fritz, Sophie pressed down hard on the paper against the book on her lap. You and your men must have plenty to do now. It’s unbelievable how a stronger force can willingly hurt a weaker one. I’ll never understand it, and I find it terrible. Without sparing his feelings and knowing that it was hurtful, she challenged him. And don’t dare say it is for the Fatherland.

When Fritz received Sophie’s letter in the Black Forest, his first reaction was to crumple it up. Just a few days ago she had sent him chocolate and a picture of herself. All over the Black Forest, the German Army was mobilizing. Fritz folded her letter gently and put it in his chest pocket. They were getting to know one another through letters. Although he wanted to be able to see her eyes, writing to one another was the only way that they could communicate right now. Until the war was over. And it was going to be a short war. And what did a school girl know about war? He patted his pocket to see if her letter was still there, grateful that the Army master didn’t read officer’s mail.

Officer Fritz Hartnagel

Lieutenant Hartnagel became a part of the German Army’s communications regiment. Picture from S. Hauser website (this is not Fritz Hartnagel).

Today was an important day. He had to plan the infrastructure of the central station and assure that the technical equipment, like the brand new amplifiers, had arrived for setting up long distance communications. Fritz wasn’t even sure if the cables and batteries for continuous transmissions would be compatible with foreign electrical currencies. He liked his assignment as a lieutenant of a communications company. The Army had officially decreed that he was too young to fly. But he knew that his role in communications was absolutely vital to the success of any military operation.

At the end of the day, he sat at his desk and wrote to her.

My dear Sophie,                                                                  Calw, September 13, 1939

 You create conflict for me when you ask me for the reason for this blood-letting. Two years ago I could have perhaps given you an answer, when I thought myself mature enough and clear about all these things. But today I feel like a young boy, at the beginning of his development in these areas. You are the one guilty for bringing this about. And I am glad about it.

             He lifted his pen from the paper and paused. From his office he could hear artillery practice.

 But despite this, I can not agree with you because I do not have the courage to bear the consequences of such an opinion.

EXCERPT: “With You There Is Light: Based on the True Story of Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel” by Alexandra Lehmann.

“WITH YOU THERE IS LIGHT” is ultimately a love story about two brave individuals caught on opposite sides of war.” – Author Alexandra Lehmann

You may purchase the print edition here and the e-book here.