The below blog posts were written from 2017-2022. I wrote them as a compendium to my book, "With You There Is Light: The True Story about Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel." I also reported on lectures that I gave at various Eastern colleges and universities, including the New Brunswick Theological Seminary (New Jersey) and the Jewish Community Center (Tarrytown, New York).
- All
- Christian Resistance to Hitler
- Fritz Hartnagel
- German Army World War II
- Hans Scholl
- Nazi Censorship
- non-violent resistance
- Sophie Scholl
- White Rose Munich Student Resistance
Recent History of the White Rose Appearing in the Sueddeutsche Zeitung
This blog post is a translation of Jakob Wetzel’s article appearing on March 24, 2021 in Munich's largest daily newspaper, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung (24.3.21, Nr. ...
Ten Mounted Photographs to Honor Sophie Scholl’s 100 Birthday
Charlestown, Rhode Island, May 5, 2021. Starting on May 9, BoP Gallery at 289 Narrow Lane will be showing ten historic photographs illustrating the ...
Sophie Scholl (1921-1943), German student, teacher and resistance figure
Forchtenberg, May 9, 1921 - Munich, February 22, 1943 From left to right: Siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst at Munich Ostbahnhof, November ...
Sophie Scholl’s Show Trial
Justizpalast, Munich Germany, Site of Scholl and Probst Trial, 2/22/43 "What we wrote and said is what you all think too! Only you don't have ...
Sophie Scholl, Diary Entry December 1941
The following passage is an excerpt from "With You There Is Light: Based on the True Story about Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel." Medical students at ...
Use of the Word “Resistance” in Campaigning
Appropriating World War II Language for 2018 U.S. Mid Term Elections We need a leader, not a movement. - Candidate for Governor of the State ...
New Brunswick Theological Seminary Exhibition To Highlight “The Spirit in the Struggle against Nazism”
Siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst - organizing members of the White Rose resistance - at Munich Train Station, November 1941. Photo by ...
Translation of Sophie Scholl’s Gestapo Interrogation Notes
State Secret Police Headquarters, Munich 1943Briennerstrasse Fortsetzung der Vernehmung der Beschuldigten Munich, February 20, 1943 Context: Two days earlier, siblings Hans and Sophie Scholl were ...
Seventy-Five Years Ago Today
Seventy-five years ago today Sophie Scholl sketched "FREEDOM" on the backside of her conviction for "treason." F R E E D O M. She would ...
Dear Sophie from Fritz Hartnagel, sent from Occupied Poland, February 17, 1943
The White Rose Resistance also included banned artists, poets, philosophers and painters. Wilhelm Geyer's paintings were on view in Munich's Eickeyer studio during the student ...
To Fritz Hartnagel, Munich, February 16, 1943
Context: Fritz Hartnagel survives Stalingrad. It is World War II's most horrific battle. He is recuperating from near starvation and amputations from severe frostbite at ...
Resistance Then and Now: Social Media vs. Leaflets
Young people in the Islamic Republic of Iran are taking great risks to publicly protest against their President Rouhani and cleric leader, Ayatollah Khameni. With ...
Christmas Greeting from Stalingrad
Translated here into English for the first time with permission of S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt. To Sophie Scholl from Fritz Hartnagel, December 1942. Yesterday, my ...
Reading to the Religious: With You There Is Light
Reading at St. James in North Salem, New York November 26, 2017 After Service at the St. James Episcopal Church, North Salem, New York The first ...
Reading #4 from “With You There Is Light: Based on the True Story about Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel”
November 17, 2017. Books & Books in Grand Cayman, B.V.I. A reading from "With You There Is Light" led to a discussion of today's media ...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (German, 1906-1945)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German theologian, pastor and political resistance activist involved in Berlin's July 1944 plot to kill Hitler. Bonhoeffer assisted in providing intelligence that ...
#Resistance during the Age of Trump: Not at all like German Resistance during World War II
Note: The below personal essay describing a reading experience in September, 2017 provided this writer with the opportunity to further define "With You There Is ...
Political Resistance History and Context in the Age of Trump, Part 2 of 4
For the liberal elite, Progressives, and #NeverTrumpers, resistance means opposition to the country’s sitting President. Referring to this ray of light in World War II ...
Civil Disobedience as Resistance
A Series of Posts (Part One of Four) On Political History, Context and President Trump Civil Disobedience As Resistance in America and Europe during the 19th and ...
Re-Visiting The White Rose Student Resistance Movement in Munich
New Munich Student Resistance Installation (LMU, 2/17) Munich, June 10, 2017. Re-visiting the new installation at the University of Munich (LMU) furthered my ...
Sophie Scholl (German, 1921-1943)
Born on May 9, 1921 in Forchtenberg (Baden-Wuerttemberg), Sophie Scholl was the third child after her siblings Hans and Inge. She was followed by Elizabeth ("Liesel") and ...
Was Fritz Hartnagel a Nazi?
An Often Asked Question Gets Answered Again The last question came from a very bright student at the end of the fifth class I taught ...
What we said and thought, so did you, only we were capable of saying it
What we said and thought, so did you, only we were capable of saying it -Sophie Scholl (1921-1943) speaking to the crowd of onlookers during ...
Sophie Scholl’s “Library” 1937-1943
Sophie Scholl gave us a very thorough "intellectual history," often quoting from and mentioning the books she read in her letters and diaries. Sophie decided to engage ...
Review by Rebecca Odessa, The Wisdom Daily
by Alexandra Lehmann When Hitler came to power in the early 1930’s, Nazi ideology pervaded the German education system, leading to the indoctrination of an ...
Why Civil Resistance Works: Book Review by Alexandra Lehmann
Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Non-Violent Conflict by Erica Chenoweth. My rating: 3 of 5 stars. This book's concept is pretty huge and its far-reaching ...
Enter to Win a Free Copy of “With You There Is Light” at Goodreads
October 24, 2016. Ridgefield, CT. At the time of this writing, 150 readers have entered the contest for a free copy of "With You ...
Hartnagel writes Scholl about Belgian Resistance, 1940
Resistance in Antwerp, 1940 Fritz writes to Sophie from Antwerp after the Blitzkrieg, May 1940. "With You There ...
Hans Scholl (1918-1943)
Magdalena Scholl, Sophie and Hans Scholl's mother EXCERPTED FROM "WITH YOU THERE IS LIGHT": Hans and Sophie's mother knew what to do. She hurried down ...
Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel Correspond, September 1939
Calw, Black Forest Fritz Hartnagel was a part of Hitler’s Army. He was going to have to fight in this so-called Blitzkrieg. What could she ...
Passive Resistance: Refusing to Yield to Censorship
Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) German poet and writer most recognized for satire and wit. His "Lieder (art songs)" were set to music composed by R. Schumann ...
Sophie Scholl Defiantly Enjoyed Art Labeled “Entartete Kunst” (Morally Degenerate)
Earlier in 1936, anti-Nazi political activist, Sophie Scholl — in her stand against Hitler — admired Paula Modersohn Becker's paintings during a trip with the ...
Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemoeller Criticized the “Aryan Paragraph”
Historical Context: Like most Protestant pastors, Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemoeller was a national conservative, and openly supported the conservative opponents of the Weimar Republic. ...
Sophie Scholl, Inspired and Motivated by Christian Faith
Historical Context: Throughout her young adulthood, political activist Sophie Scholl delved deeply into Christian faith. As the Nazi Party dismantled Christianity and arrested and interned religious ...
Cadet Fritz Hartnagel at the Potsdam Military Academy, 1937
"You Shall Know Obedience In Order To Command" Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, decorated in World War I, taught Cadet Fritz Hartnagel at the Potsdam Military ...
Sophie Scholl: From Hitler Youth to Political Activist
Sophie and Hans Scholl were both group leaders in the League of German Girls and Hitler Youth. Several eyewitnesses reported that both siblings were initially ...
Love Blooms Among the Ruins in Hohenstaufen
Historical Context: January, 1939. The city of Ulm is a part of Baden-Wuerttemberg, a German province that was the seat of the Hohenzollern dynasty located ...
Fritz Hartnagel Writes to Sophie Scholl, October 1938
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (1759-1805), German writer, poet, philosopher Fritz Hartnagel was stationed in Augsburg barracks before the war. Historical Context: October, 1938. German troops ...
Sophie Scholl and Fritz Hartnagel Met at a Party in Ulm
Ulm is noted for its "Fachwerkhaeuser" that date back to the 15th century. In 1937, the youth of Ulm were listening to "American Swing" - ...